Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Music for the Soul

I am hurting. And when I hurt, I turn to literature. And when I turn to literature, I reach for an Archie Comic. And when Archie's wild and crazy antics are not enough to cure an aching heart, I seek guidance from Big Bad Billy Shakespeare. And he spoke to me. He said:
When griping grief the heart doth wound,
and doleful dumps the mind oppresses,
then music, with her silver sound,
with speedy help doth lend redress.
So I took his advice. And I now present to you: Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton.

Wasn't expecting too much
Knew that we were very young
But then the upset at UConn
Brought back faith and changed my views
I need to know, which team are you?
Stop messing with my mind
I was so happy til Duke then you hurt me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll win a big game
Don't turn the ball over
Stop missing the big shots
And important free throws
Play some defense
We shouldn't be so bad
Un-break my heart
My heart

Last shot against the Bearcats
The usual late game collapse
Both bring back my greatest fear
Keep the Esherick years away
Out of eight games, we've lost seven
This year is such a bust
Now we need an upset to make the tourney

Un-break my heart
Say you'll win a big game
Don't turn the ball over
Stop missing the big shots
And important free throws
Play some defense
We shouldn't be so bad
Un-break my heart

Wasn't expecting too much
Knew that we were very young
I was so happy til Duke then you hurt me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll win a big game
Don't turn the ball over
Stop missing the big shots
And important free throws
Play some defense
We shouldn't be so very bad
Un-break my

Un-break my heart, Oh Hoyas
Come back and win a big game
Un-break my heart, Damn Hoyas
Don't go back to the Esherick years
Esherick years....

Good talk.

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